Sunday, June 29, 2014

On Ethics

Ethics are always a sticky subject, and I'd like to discuss them in a little more detail.

I am of the opinion that the only difference between myself and the majority of people is that I choose not to deceive myself, or others.

I do not believe there is such a thing as good and evil. Without exception, when someone says something is "good" they mean, even if only subconsciously, to say "good for me". Every individual's concept of evil is what is "bad for me", whether or not they are correct in what is actually bad for them.

Everyone acts out of self interest. You, reading this right now, do what you think is in your best interest, and what makes you feel good. If you help others, it is because it benefits you to do so. Even if you help someone else at your own expense, you only do so because it causes an endorphin rush which makes you feel good.

I simply accept this fact.

I practice neither Satanism nor Thelema, but I find some of the philosophy interesting. People (including the people who try, poorly, to practice these paths) seem to misinterpret the intention. In terms of ethics, both give the imperative to do what is right ONLY because it is right. To do what you feel you should do in any given moment. They posit that if you do something because someone else tells you that it's right, then it doesn't count. "I was only following orders" amounts to the same thing whether you saved the world or committed genocide. If someone has to tell you to do the right thing, you're just a sheep. If you end up doing the wrong thing, then at least you made a decision, and you get to live with the consequences and learn from your mistakes.

I do lots of things some people consider wrong. I've been known to defend my friends with violence, both physically and mentally. I have very little interest in what is socially acceptable, politically correct, or even legal. I do what suits me, and I help the people I care about. At least I'm not a hypocrite.

Lots of people claim to have a code of ethics, they talk about what is good and right, and then they look the other way while someone else is suffering. They do what is good for themselves, and they talk about how good they are. They're liars. They lie to you, and to themselves.

I'm not better than some of them, but I'm honest about it.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Understand That You Don't Understand

So many people don't seem to understand how depression works. Depression is not just being sad for a long time, it's something totally different. Most people have NOT experienced depression, whatever they may think.

I hear from time to time that if you're depressed you should just try to think positive, that you need to focus on the good things instead of the bad things. It doesn't work that way. No sentence beginning with 'at least' is anything but obnoxious when you're depressed.

Yes, we know it could get worse. Or it could get better. It wouldn't much matter either way. That's the problem.

Depression is like slowly going color blind. It's like all the colors in the world are fading around you. You still like what you always liked, but you don't FEEL it as strongly as you used to. Activities which normally would give you untold joy are merely slightly less unpleasant than boredom when you're depressed.

It's a chemical imbalance in the brain. You can't just make it better by changing how you think, or what you do. In the worst cases, you can't even WANT to make it better. Depression means losing your ability to feel good, until the pain of remembering how something once made you happy is worse than what little enjoyment you still get out of it, and doing anything other than sitting in the corner feels like a waste of effort.

If that wasn't bad enough, half the time all the medications for depression do is make you unable to feel ANYTHING, so you're just going through the motions of life. Sometimes, that's almost worse. The only reason suicide stops sounding like a good option is because it would be too much effort.

It takes a long time to figure out how to handle depression correctly, and there's no one right answer, but it never really goes away. You just build on top of it.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


This may be a bit of a rant. Bear with me. Or don't, whichever.

We all have our causes. We all have things that matter to us, things we're ready to stand up and be counted for, things we'll fight for. Sometimes the cause lasts a day, or a month. Sometimes it's a lifetime. Often, it's one little battle at a time seeking a long term goal.

I've seen lots of things that come up, and dozens, hundreds, even millions of people turn up to support their side of the argument.

The Pensacola city counsel proposed a domestic partnership registry and a solid hundred or so representatives of the LGBT community spoke to them at the meeting, not to mention those who attended in silent support.

Certain corporate interests lobbied for bills to suppress internet freedom, and half the country stood up to say no.

Just as a couple of examples.

But time and again, I see the droves of people turn out to show their support... once. A week after the first city counsel meeting in Pensacola regarding domestic partnership, the city counsel met to actually vote on it, and fewer than half of the first group showed up the second time. It passed anyway, but no one was there to see it.

"Net Neutrality" just went away, and no one noticed. No one stood up the second time.

You have such short attention spans. Yes, you. See? You're already not paying attention, are you?

It's not enough to stand up for what you believe in once. You have to stand up every time. If you support LGBT rights, then every time someone says the phrase "LGBT rights" you should be there.

If someone speaks against what you feel is right, and you're not there to answer, you deserve to lose. It's that simple. If you care, prove it. Every time. Do you stand for what's right, or don't you?

Monday, May 19, 2014

Of The Artist

True art is made of the artist, not by the artist. Art comes from FEELING something. Good or bad, it all comes from the ability to experience life more deeply than most people can.

No matter how you cut it, that means artistic people feel more pain than normal people. 

I have to include myself in that category. We're all broken, it's the cracks that let the light out.The more you feel, the greater the art, and the harder it is to live with. The closer you fly to the sun, the easier it is to get burned.

That's why the greatest artists have such tragic stories. Edgar Allen Poe outlived true love, Van Gogh never found it. Just for a start.

On the other hand, that means you can always turn your pain into something worth having. Life is painful, but if the scars can be beautiful, it's worth it.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Beauty Inside

I can't say who or what of course, but tonight I met someone for the first time and she finished a story she told me with "I've never told anyone that story before."

I suppose I'm a good listener, and people pick up on the fact that I am good at keeping secrets, and I don't judge.

I think that's my greatest joy in life. It makes everything else okay, when people confide in me that way. That's why I so enjoy doing readings. I get to see into people. I get to hear their fears and tell them how to face them. I get to shine a little light on their darkest parts. I get to see the parts of them they think are ugly, hold up a mirror, and show them they're beautiful.

Everyone is beautiful, if you look deeply enough.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Never Not Broken

So at this point it's known that I've been dealing with some mental and emotional issues. I hesitate to call it "struggling with" because I don't want to look at it that way.

I've been this way all my life, but most of that time it was a little thing. I was ten years old before I stopped sleeping with the light on, not because I knew the monster in my closet was real (which it was) but because when the lights were off things started moving that I knew weren't supposed to move. I'd lose track of time, wound up in the wrong classrooms in school because I forgot where I was going. It didn't happen often, but it happened.

Now I'm that way more than I'm not. Some months ago, a very close friend, who is one of the most perceptive people and best psychic readers I've ever met picked up on what I've been going through and told me I was going to fall apart, that it would get worse before it got better, but that I would be stronger for it.

Since then, I've been trying to figure myself out. Trying to understand how to overcome the fact that my own brain is my biggest obstacle. I feel like my mind is a puzzle and someone keeps taking the pieces out and putting them back together in different configurations.

I'm learning to ride the currents, to swim with the tide rather than against it. There's a lot I can't do anymore, and there are bad days. In fact, some of the symptoms are still getting worse, but I'm learning to cope. I think I can do more than cope, I can make this work for me.

I found an article which really spoke to me. The Hindu goddess Akhilandeshvari, the goddess never not broken. She is the patron goddess of trauma, catharsis, of growth through emotional pain. She refuses to give in to pain and fear, she embraces it and becomes stronger.

Akhilandeshvari promises that you are strongest when you break, that it is the breaking which allows you to become something new. That without pain, we have stagnation. Not only does she embrace the pain, she chooses never to cast it aside. Never not broken, she does not settle into a whole which has limitations, she remains in flux, constantly changing, becoming new every moment. The beautiful prism of color in a diamond comes from the fractures deep within.

That must be my aspiration, to become like Akhilandeshvari.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Mind Your Own

To all the fundamentalists, republicans, democrats, conservatives, liberals and everyone else who's opinions are quotations. Fuck off.

That's right. Pretty much if you identify yourself as part of any political or philosophical group other than people who think before they form opinions, fuck you.

There are lots of reasons for this, but the really really big one is that freedom isn't conditional or limited. If you think people should have the right to own guns but not to marry anyone they want, you're a human piece of shit.

If you support marriage equality but you think only the government can be trusted with guns, then you're a witless sheep, and I have even less respect for you.

People say the world isn't black and white, that things are more "complicated" than that. No they're not dammit. You people make shit complicated because you're either mean or stupid; usually both.

You know what my political ideology is? It's mind your own fucking business. If you don't like how someone else lives their life, DON'T TALK TO THEM! Just shut up and keep your own counsel. My rights end where yours begin, and vice versa. Drunk driving, littering, and shooting people are crimes. Getting drunk and high, destroying your own house, or even shooting yourself, shouldn't be. No one has a right to protect you from yourself, you get to do ANYTHING YOU WANT as long as it does not directly prevent anyone else from doing anything they want. You want to build a house without a permit, do the wiring wrong and blow yourself up in your sleep? Fine, but you're liable for damage to your neighbour's property. Until your actions are immediately harmful to someone who isn't you, what you do is your problem.

That's my philosophy. It's also the ONLY philosophy, EVER that it's okay to force on other people. That's right, I'm forcing you to do whatever you decide to do, and if you try to force me to do something, I will fuck you up. Sound fair? Good.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Poison the Trolls

"Ignore them and they'll go away."
"They just want attention."
"Don't feed the trolls."
"If you pay attention to them, they win."

Horse shit.

This is the kind of thing people say, this is the advice they give their children. You know who believes this crap? People who have never actually BEEN bullied.

Silence is permission. How's that for an expression?

Every time some asshole makes a derogatory comment and you say nothing, you ignore them, they get away with it. You're giving them permission, and you're becoming an accomplice to every time they hurt someone in the future.

You, yes, YOU, reading this right now, are personally guilty for the pain of every person you didn't stand up for, and for the next victim every time you let someone get away with being nasty to you.

When someone gets bullied, and you tell them "Just let it go, ignore them and they'll stop, they only want your attention." You might as well be the bully, because you're taking his side. That's what they want, to hurt people and get away with it.

This can only continue, because people look the other way, because they keep getting away with it. It stops when the bullies become pariahs. It stops, when they stop getting away with it, when hurting other people actually gets punished. It stops, when someone starts shit, and suddenly the entire world turns on them.

So stop letting them get away with it, dammit.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Slightly Mad

So I'm going to talk a little about mental illness. I'm not really sure why. A little because I just need to, and a little because no one else does. Also maybe a little because I'm crazy and I don't need a reason, so there.

This is something that really happens, I guarantee you know a few people who deal with these problems. In fact, if you're reading this, I could probably name them for you. They put up a brave front, on any given day, you'd probably never know. Depression, social anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, psychosis. Behind the scenes, some of your friends are struggling every day with demons I hope you never face.

No one talks about it. It's a taboo subject, no one wants to look it in the eye, to admit that it happens, even when they're the ones suffering through it. Well, I'm talking.

From one day, one hour, to the next, I never know how I'm going to be feeling. Most of the time I act the part of the stable productive member of society fairly convincingly, but I'm sure the more time you spend around me, the more the mask starts to slip. I know every now and then my closest friends will ask "are you alright?" I always tell them I'm fine, or there's nothing in particular wrong. One of my favorite expressions, "It's been a day." Not a good day, not a bad day, just a day.

The answer is no, I'm very rarely alright, but I manage.

Sometimes my mind goes away a little, and what I really want is to spend an hour watching how leaves move in the wind, or watching water drip off a roof. It took a lot of work today to make it to my job on time and not get sidetracked watching the rain. Sometimes when that happens I even do things without really knowing why I did them. Sometimes I wander a circle around the house and then go sit back down and do nothing again. I know I'm doing it, I just don't really know why.

Sometimes I can't handle people, loud noises, enclosed spaces. Sometimes I have to escape. I don't know what I'm escaping, I just have to go somewhere for a while. Some people have midnight snacks, I have midnight walks until I don't know where I am and have to figure out which way home is.

Sometimes people is what I need. Sometimes a gathering of friends is the only thing that drowns out all the noise in my head. It's crowded in here. Sometimes I throw myself into the conversation, usually with some dumb joke or another. Sometimes, I just listen.

Sometimes every bad things that ever happened, every mistake I ever made, everything bad that ever could happen, and especially the things that are inevitable, come and demand I pay attention to them all at the same time, until all I can manage is to sit and stare at the computer and pretend I'm not falling apart.

Sometimes I just want someone to ask if I'm okay, and not take yes for an answer.

Other times I go two days without sleep and write nonsense about how I'm feeling at seven o'clock in the morning.

I live for the good days. There are good days. Sometimes it's just good hours, but when it's good it's very good. Worth it even. I guess that's what it's all about.

 The point. Yes, I had a point when I started this. The point is, it's frustrating, even frightening, when your own mind is the enemy. When you're problems are work, or family, or bills, you have something external to struggle against. Being betrayed by your physical health is a lot harder to live with. But what do you do when you're so depressed you can't even gather up the will to want to get better?

To those who have to live with us. I want you to know it's not your fault. But it's not our fault either, so on the bad days, please be patient. I want to thank those of you who stand by one of us when you could walk away.

To all you other crazy people. I want you to you know you're not alone. I want you to know it's okay to talk about it, and it's okay to ask when you need help. I am going to post this publicly, because the stigma needs to stop, and I'm okay with standing up to speak in front of the crowd if it helps someone else speak in front of those closest to them.

Good luck,
And may you find what you seek.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Hecate Shrine

Hello my freaky darlings.

I'll give you a cookie if you're nerd enough to place that quote. In the mean time I'm going to attempt to write something informative. Wish me luck.

I keep a shrine to Hecate in my bedroom, which, since I honor her in all my rituals, also serves as my altar most of the time. I'd love to have one outdoors at a crossroads, but neither do I have a crossroads where it wouldn't be a vandal magnet, nor do I have the money for stone statuary.

So I do what I can with what I have, and here's picture.

There are a few items I'd still like to add. Most notably an actual statue of Hecate, and (in terms of using it as an altar) a proper chalice. This is what I have to work with at the moment. The informative part will be explaining the meaning of each piece.

You will notice the small picture attached to the wall, a painting of Hecate I acquired, in lieu of a statue I can't afford right now.

The back and center of the shrine is dedicated to a mirror. Mirrors serve as gateways between realms and are useful for spirit communication, astral travel, and scrying, all arts within the purview of Hecate.

The corners of the shrine hold representatives of the four elements. Hecate is the goddess of that which is outside of normal social order, patron of the outcast, and we are bringing old traditions into a new world, so I use very non-traditional elements. The small box in the back right corner contains graveyard earth. The right front is a lighter, for fire obviously. The left front is an all natural perfume made by a pagan crafter to represent Hecate, for air. In the left rear is a bottle of everclear, aqua vitae, for water; which has been used only to bless ritual tools.

Two black taper candles represent knowledge and wisdom, or truth and understanding, depending on your interpretation. They stand in for the two torches which Hecate herself often wields.

The quartz orb to the left of the mirror is a powerful multipurpose tool. Quartz can be charged for nearly any intention. I use this one as an aid to spirit communication and channeling.

The opposite side, a marble orb, holds the power of grounding and emotional balance, and is helpful for grounding at the end of particularly intensive work. It bears an interesting story. A friend of mine (who may name himself if he likes) saw it while doing a reading for me and said it was important, asked me to tell him when I found it. Another friend immediately went and retrieved it from his car, a stranger dressed as a gypsy had approached him in a grocery store park and given it to him with no explanation, after which she apparently disappeared from an empty parking lot.

The skull, yes I'm sure you've all been wondering about that one. I'm not an expert on comparative anatomy, but I'm told it came from a young coyote, died of natural causes in Wisconsin. I have two of them. Canines are first among the sacred animals of Hecate, so I honor them on her shrine, and given my focus as her priestess on necromancy and restless spirits, there is an elegance to displaying a skull this way.

Left and forward of the skull is a Garlic bulb, one of the plants sacred to Hecate. Garlic is powerful plant for psychic protection, and commonly used (largely due to its ubiquitous nature and edibility whereas most of her sacred plants are medicinal/poisonous) in offerings.

Opposite the Garlic is a Tibetan singing bowl. As far as I can ascertain this one of the original singing bowls, imported from Tibet and made centuries ago using metallurgical methods which have since been lost to time. Fortunately for those of us who seek such items, they have also been well cared for ever since.

To the left and center of the altar is one of my wands. This is a necromancer's wand, made of solid iron. It is used first and foremost to compel and banish the spirits of the dead. Blessed by Hecate, Hermes, Hades, and Persephone, a psychopomp (guide to the souls of the dead), a grave warden (guardian spirit of a cemetery), and six earthbound spirits; consecrated in the five elements, as well as with my own blood and in a ritual bonfire. By far the most powerful tool I possess.

Center right, is my athame. As I write this, a recent acquisition, a gift from dear friends, the last of many sold at an event in which I participated. The handle is bone, yes, black bone. I'm not certain if it's been dyed, or perhaps is bull horn. The athame is traditionally a double edged blade with a black handle, used to direct and channel energy such as in the casting a ritual circle. It is also especially useful in undoing what has been done, in the cutting of psychic bonds and breaking of previous spells.

So there you have it. Hope some little bit of information here has been helpful to someone.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

On Faith, Skepticism, and Stupidity

Blind faith and militant skepticism are on opposite ends of a spectrum of dumbass.

There, I said it. In fact, take a minute and think about what you believe to be the nature of reality, the origin of life, all that. Odds are, you're a moron.

Now, let me explain why you're probably a moron. Like I said, blind faith and militant skepticism are the extreme ends of a very broad spectrum. Every intelligent human being falls into a narrow area in the exact middle of this spectrum.

Faith is believing something without proof. A little faith is good, necessary, in fact, to being a functional human being. Skepticism is to seek evidence and not believe without though. Again, skepticism is necessary in small amounts.

Blind faith is belief in something in spite of evidence to the contrary. Militant skepticism is denial of that which has not been proven "conclusively". Either way, you're an imbecile.

I am inclined to find both unspeakably tiresome. I often find myself being told to believe something, and it is difficult for me to think less of anyone than I do of the person who when I ask why I should believe cannot form an intelligent answer.

Unless it's to think less of the one who criticizes me for what I believe.

Here, let me make this simple for you. I believe in myself and my experiences. Sensory input, and the reasoning by which we interpret it, is notoriously unreliable. However, I pride myself on many years of sharpening by deductive powers, and as I see it, to doubt what the eyes see and the ears hear is the path to madness. If I should doubt what I hear because you did not hear it, then why should I have faith that you are even truly speaking? Perhaps I am delusional. Perhaps the skeptic is part of my delusion, and that which he doubts is the truth which the delusion wishes me not to see.

I trust in abilities which have proved consistent in the past, and in sources of information which show themselves to be reliable and consistent, even if no one else is aware of them. If a thousand times a voice in my head tells me something, and a thousand times it proves correct, I am going to listen to it, regardless of my capacity to explain its nature. That is appropriate use of faith and skepticism. The same use by which you doubt the word of a complete stranger and trust the word of a friend.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

On "Being Outed"

In case you have been under a rock since the early 80's, "outing" in this sense is the revealing of an individual as a member of the LGBT community. It may also refer to any orientation or lifestyle which was previously secret, such as one's religious affiliations.

"Coming out" is announcing to the world that you are, whatever you are. "Being outed", is when someone else does it to you, and of course the dreaded "outing yourself" is accidentally letting it slip.

I feel like we (the transgender community) need a new word.

Now and then I hear expressions such as "I outed myself" from people who are transgender, who are living full time as their true gender identity; in reference to revealing that they are transgender and haven't always presented as their current (true) gender identity. I feel this is flawed logic and poor language reinforcing a negative concept in our minds and in the collective understanding of society.

When a gay man is "in the closet", he's living a lie, he's not being true to himself in all parts of his life. He's at best sneaking around and living a double life, and at worst denying himself, to himself. Being in the closet is bad, it's unhealthy, one might argue that it's inherently unethical because it's at least a lie of omission. You know me, I give two hoots about ethics, but it could be argued.

When our theoretical gay man (let's call him Fred, I'm not going to mention him by name ever again, but I feel like calling him Fred) comes out, he's being honest for the first time. He's telling the truth, BEING the truth. This is good. He might get some crap for it, but you can only lie to yourself for so long before you lose the truth, and then your next big accomplishment in life is dying.

He can't ever be "outed" again, he's already out, he's being his real self. There's no lie.

When a trans person (for the sake of my tortured brain and pronouns we're gonna say a transwoman), when she comes out, it means she's now living full time as a female. There's no more lie, she's being her real self. Before she "came out" she was living as a man, pretending to be a man, lying about her gender identity. Just like the gay man. She's out now, she can't be outed again, just like Fred (so I lied, I used his name again).

But, let's say this woman "passes" perfectly. Most of the time, no one ever knows she's trans. When something slips and someone finds out, we say she's been "outed". She hasn't been outed. That would imply that she's being dishonest. Female is her real self. Saying that a transperson has been "outed" when someone finds out they are trans suggests that she's a man living as a woman and that the lie started when she transitioned. This of course is profoundly wrong, and we get extremely offended when someone states it outright. Yet here we are implying it ourselves by continuing to use the term "outed".

Saying that a transwoman outed herself when someone found out she wasn't born a woman is like saying a gay man outed himself when someone finds out he used to have sex with women. Coming out is telling the truth. Letting someone find out you used to lie needs to have another word. Let's find one. Or better yet, don't use a word for it, there isn't a word for the gay man who accidentally mentions his ex-wife, why do we need one?

"Passing" for your gender of identity is important. Not letting anyone know you're trans (and getting the subsequent and rather flattering "Wow! I never would have known, you're gorgeous!") is only important because some bigoted morons might treat you differently. By reacting to it and calling it being "outed" we are validating their unenlightened opinions and giving power to their responses. We need not to care what they think, and to steer society toward a collective feeling that their position makes them lesser people.

The first step, is deleting the subconscious impression of the term "outed" that a transperson is inherently dishonest because they are trans.

Friday, February 14, 2014

An Open Letter to Stupid People

Dear Stupid People,

Stop. Just... stop. No more of these things you do.

Quit vomiting up opinions because someone else gave them to you. Stop asking questions without at least thirty seven seconds of actively attempting to arrive at answers on your own.

There is less shame in acting more slowly than me because you're thinking about the consequences of your actions than there is in facing a lifetime of ridicule from me for doing something moronic.

Never forget, you are stupid. Yes, you should be ashamed of it, how else can you improve? Your job now is to acknowledge your stupidity, do your best to think occasionally anyway, and stay the fuck away from me.

Should you choose to continue bothering me, please understand that I have no problem whatsoever with illustrating your stupidity to you in excruciating detail, preferably with the largest of possible audiences. The next person who enters the store in which I work and asks me the name of the store may actually sustain minor contusions. Please especially avoid that one.

I will not pretend to be stupid just to balm your rightfully diminutive self esteem. It isn't going to happen. I realize that in the land of the blind the one eyed man is a heretic. I just don't care. You are not smart enough for your opinions to be valid. I consider the feelings of my vegetables, but this is because they actually serve a purpose. You have to earn that.

Thank you in advance, stupid people. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Yours sarcastically,

P.S. If you feel like this is directed at you, why do you consider yourself stupid? If it takes you more than seven seconds to answer that... then it probably is.

P.P.S. Bite me.

Intersections of Spirituality

Today's topic is the relationship between different forms of spirituality. This is an interesting topic, will folks ever learn to get along? And how about the "grocery store pagans" growing from this modern information age, taking a little from every practice and making their own way?

To paraphrase George Carlin: "Do you believe in God? No? BANG! Do you believe in God? Do you believe in MY god? No? BANG!"

This pretty much sums up the results of most of history's meetings of different religious ideas. Politically correct or not, this is especially true of Christianity, which remains the leading religion of the world.

I see culture clashes all over the place, and I find them unnecessary. Some of the recon Hellenists don't approve of my work. Some pagans in general criticize me for the dark nature of my path. Random strangers have walked up to me in public (in bookstores no less) and warned me of the "dangers" of the so-called "Left Hand Path".

I see vicious conflicts over who can call themselves a shaman, what is "real" Wicca, and even silliness about whether not a ritual is "valid" if it's done correctly by someone who doesn't follow the tradition it comes from.

The ancient Hellenes who I seek to emulate didn't have these problems. They regarded outsiders as lesser, as most cultures do. The word "xeno", foreigner, was and still is usually colored by insulting implications. However, to be Greek wasn't a matter of being born in the right place to the right family, it was a choice. When a xeno came to Greece, they had the option of assimilating, of adopting the Greek religion and culture, and thereby becoming Greek, as Greek as anyone else.

History and mythology is full of stories of the Greeks adopting the practices and deities of other cultures.They facilitated the blending of cultures by altering their own mythology, allowing newcomers to adapt without losing the value of their own traditions.

So why can't we do this today? Well, that's a question which at present I cannot answer. I do not understand it myself. Why is it not possible for everyone to be right? I think we're all just stupid.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.

Who thought up that line of crap? It would be difficult for a thought to be more wrong, in more ways.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can wound the soul.

It's easy to hurt a body. It's also easy to heal a body. A little antiseptic, a band-aid, maybe a cast; and time. Big damn deal. They say time heals all wounds, they fucking lied.

The wounds left by words don't heal. I want you to take a few minutes right now, think back to your childhood, and try to think of the most hurtful thing anyone ever said to you before you were an adult...

Didja do it? Okay. Now if you're not at least tearing up a little, you didn't really do it.

Mind your words, they are potential weapons. Someone could get hurt.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Do It Now

I am trying to learn this. Stop worrying about what you want, what you don't have, what could be. Stop saying, "tomorrow will be better" and "I'll do what I want when that happens". Enjoy the moment.

It might not get better, the perfect moment doesn't exist, you have to make your moment.

If you decide to follow your dreams when you have more money saved up, or you don't want to get a pet before you find your perfect house, or any number of other things you might want to wait for, you may well be waiting forever.

More than once I've moved, and told myself I would do something different... and then I didn't. From now on, I'm going to do it now.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Lighbulb Jokes

How many Buddhists does it take to change a light bulb? Doesn't matter, they're already enlightened.

How many pagans does it take to change a light bulb? All of them, because each of them has to have their own.

How many Christians does it take to change a light bulb? They just ask Jesus to do it.

How many Gardnerians does it take to change a light bulb? I can't tell you, it's a secret.

How many existentialists does it take to change a light bulb? Just one but he spends twenty years thinking about it.

How many Jews does it take to change a light bulb? One to do it and twelve rabbis to make sure it's kosher.

How many Hellenists does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but he might claim Edison got the design from the Greeks.

How many Setians does it take to change a light bulb? Doesn't matter, they prefer the dark anyway.

How many satanists does it take to change a light bulb? Satanists don't screw in light bulbs, but they screw everywhere else.

How many nihilists does it take to change a lightbulb?
It doesn't matter.

How many alchemists does it take to change a lightbulb? First they have to decide what element light is.

How many Taoists does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they just wait for the problem to solve itself.

Friday, January 17, 2014


Well, my computer is back, so it's official, I'm moved.

I have decided to take it as an auspicious sign that having missed my turn I found it necessary to go down Main Street, and was forced to ride a bike down the middle of an abandoned train track. That's good luck, right? Well, it is now.

I felt like Clint Eastwood in drag, as I rode my aluminum horse named schwinn off into the sunset... the blinding, eye piercing sunset going west down Main.

I almost said I felt like John Wayne, but that would be a poor comparison because I can act.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Freedom Means All Of Us

Listen up folks. A wise man once said, no one is free while others are oppressed. Another wise man said, in the end it is not the words of our enemies we will remember, but the silence of our friends.

There are oppressors in this world. They don't just target one group of people, they are after everyone different from themselves.

If you're not one of them, you're the enemy. And by the same token, if you're not their enemy, you might as well be one of them. All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.

To use current events, as a friend of mine points out, when a Fox News representative insulted (I stress, insulted, that was it) Wicca last year, they were met with a storm of angry and hurt responses in letters, emails, phone calls, and online attacks, until they were forced to apologize.

When just recently a fox news representative encouraged the public execution of satanists for their religious beliefs, there was very little response at all. Why? Because Satanists aren't Wiccans, so no one cared.

Are you people actually that fucking stupid?

Someone breaks into your house and robs you. You saw him do it, you know who it was. You get your stuff back, but he gets away with it because he knows a judge. A year later, he breaks into your neighbor's house, but your neighbor drives a different kind of car from you, so you look the other way because your transportation choices are too different.

Does anyone else see a problem with this?

As a corollary to this concept, "I'm entitled to my opinion" is not a valid debate tactic. Sure, you can have whatever opinion you like, you can say whatever you like. By the same token, I am entitled not only to the opinion that your opinion is idiotic, but to proceed to explain why. Trying to censor me because I'm shredding holes in your argument on the grounds that you have a right to be wrong just makes you look like a dumbass, stop it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Global Warming

There's a lot of debate. Is it happening? Are we the cause?

Always the rebel, I like to fuck with partisanship. So I'm going to take this stance:

Who actually gives a fuck?

It's a given that we need to pollute less. Global warming is the LEAST harmful effect of human pollution (assuming it's a factor, I don't care if it is or not) so this argument is purely academic. There's no arguing we're the cause of the jet fuel in the tap water.

If the pollution is eliminated, then it can no longer be argued that humans are a factor in whatever happens, and the result will be the natural cycles of the earth, which haven't ended life as we know it yet, so we'll be fine.

If we don't get our act together, we're the ones who suffer. Life on earth will go on, and in fact will be improved because mass extinctions are evolutionary gold. The best species survive, so when a lot of them die, the net value of the survivors is greater.

We might go extinct, but no one else will notice. I'm okay with that.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Facebook Advertising

Publicity can make or break a small business. Please, pleasepleaseplease like, share, comment, everything.

Once this place is off the ground, I'll be offering my readings and assorted other services there.

Incidentally, I am already offering said services online, over the phone, and in my own home in Pensacola.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

I Win Political Correctness

It's time to organize a protest march, write letters to the editor or something like that.

What am I protesting?

Well, I just won political correctness. I find complaining about being offended offensive. Every time someone bitches about public displays of affection, a woman nursing in public, or any other stupid shit that people are complaining about right now, I die a little inside.

They shouldn't be allowed to complain about this stuff. That's right, I find your offense offensive. You can't tell me to be politically correct without yourself being politically incorrect.

I win.

Update 1/12/14:

It just occurred to me that some people feel in order for something to politically incorrect, it has to offend a group of people.

So what group of people am I a part of which is offended by your taking offense at stupid shit?

Intelligent people.

Yes, intelligent people are offended by the fact that you find a woman breastfeeding to be offensive. You are an anti-intelligence bigot, and you must be stopped.

That is all.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ceremonialism, Demon Abuse

Another conversation with a friend who knows who he is has inspired me to write about some of my unusual thoughts.

Demons. Incarnations of evil and depravity, right? I call bullshit. The practices of Ceremonialism (Ceremonial Magic) feature heavily the summoning of demons and forcing them to accomplish tasks. King Solomon it is said conjured and imprisoned 72 demon princes, forcing them among other things to build him a palace over night.

Ceremonialists spend a great deal of time and energy, not to mention a fair amount of money, on precise and complex rituals in order to force their will on these entities. Unintended consequences for the magician are common, as the result of demons seeking revenge for these abuses.

Now ask yourself, wouldn't you be pissed if a complete stranger broke into your house, kidnapped you, threatened you, and forced you to work for him?

Also ask yourself; is it really a good idea to do the aforementioned to a supernatural being capable of altering the course of human events?

The word demon comes from Judaic mysticism, referring to dark spirits not aligned with the Hebrew god. It is derived however from the Greek word Daemon, meaning "spirit". To greatly simplify; essentially the Greek paradigm divided conscious entities into mortal, god, and daemon. Demon does not imply anything about the ethics of an entity or its disposition toward humanity.

In a more modern context, demons may be said to be a group of entities sharing common association, and they are definitely of a dark nature, but no more or less so than I am myself. Many of the entities now known as demons are the dark gods of ancient cultures, some older even than the origins of modern pagan practices. In fact, the most well known of all, Lucifer, was a Roman god of light. His inclusion on Christian mythos is due to his association with enlightenment and the independent mind, contradictory to the patriarchal authority of the church.

It is true the summoning of demons can have powerful effects. The results can be startling even to experienced practitioners. It is also true that it is dangerous, if you follow ceremonial practices based on Judeo-Christian tradition. If, however, if you are polite and respectful as you would be with any deity, there is no more risk involved than with the likes of Cerridwen and Hecate.

Don't abuse them, and they have no reason to abuse you. Make sense?

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Someone's doing a nice project, networking some pagan blogs. Figured I'd participate.


Saturday, January 4, 2014

July Omen

Rain. Cold, rain.


No clever observation or anything today.

The financial crunch is here. They just cut my hours at work which will leave me short on my expenses unless something else comes in. If you or anyone you know is interested in tarot/psychic readings, energy work, psychic healing, spell work, or anything else I can do, please get in touch.

John, whom some of you know, is raising start up money to open an occult supply shop just down the street from me. Once it's up and running, I'll be working there, which will greatly improve my potential income.

If anyone wants to contribute to that project, please do so here:

May you find what you seek,

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

June Omen

As I was standing in the middle of a residential street, in light rain, waiting for tonight's sign, a car pulled up behind me, politely slowing down until I noticed them coming and got out of the way.

The moral of story, look out behind you. I haven't decided exactly what to make of that yet.